Page 16 - Synapse Brochure 2023
P. 16

CONNECT WITH CANADA'S LEADING HEALTH INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM                                                                                               SYNAPSE LIFE SCIENCE CONSORTIUM

        Hamilton’s Future:                                                                                                                         Ecosystem Concierge

                                                                                                                                                   The common backdrop behind all this
        Reaching the Next                                                                                                                          excitement is the Synapse Life Science
                                                                                                                                                   Consortium. The formal regional cluster
                                                                                                                                                   organization for the life sciences ecosystem
        Level of Success                                                                                                                           in Hamilton, Synapse is a central hub that
                                                                                                                                                   benefits all life sciences organizations in
                                                                                                                                                   Hamilton through connection, collaboration,
                                                                                                                                                   and acceleration.
        Hamilton’s institutions are primed                                                                                                         Synapse is a consortium of eight

        and ready to foster innovation -                                                                                                           anchor institutions, representing 36,000

        whatever form it takes.                                                                                                                    employees and more than $470 million in
                                                                                                                                                   innovative research.

        Now, more than ever, is the time for acceleration. Increased                                                                               “We make warm introductions that catalyze
        funding and focus on the life sciences sector have created the                                                                             collaboration,” explains Alex Muggah, Director
        ideal circumstances for investment, spread, and growth. It’s                                                                               of Synapse. Many others have described
        a moment that the key institutions in Hamilton - McMaster                                                                                  Synapse as the “concierge” of Hamilton’s life
        University, Mohawk College, Hamilton Health Sciences, and                                                                                  sciences ecosystem.
        St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton - are all eager to explore.
                                                                                                                                                   “Whenever we need an introduction, Synapse
        Today, we see a renewed vigour, and increased agility,                                                                                     has been there to help,” says Bruno Paquin,
        empowered by the connectivity of the Synapse Consortium.                                                                                   CEO of AtomVie.
        “Large organizations, as a rule, are risk-averse,” says Sarah                                                                              “Coming into Hamilton for the first
        Howe (St. Joe’s). “We need to be open to innovation.”                                                                                      time, Synapse helped us find our first
                                                                                                                                                   manufacturing partner,” says Sabrina
        That means making space for exciting new technologies,                                                                                     Fiorellino, CEO of Fero International.
        research, and businesses to flourish, and to bring that
        excitement to Hamilton’s leading institutions.                                                                                             For others - like graduating start-ups Hyivy
                                                                                                                                                   and Epineuron, both of which are finishing
        Dr. Soleymani (McMaster) agrees. “As a researcher,                                                                                         clinical trials in Hamilton - Synapse’s programs
        as an entrepreneur, what are the things missing for you?                                                                                   provided the jumpstart they needed to begin
        And how can we support you?” she asks.                                                                                                     their business. “Innovation Factory’s Synapse

        One avenue of support is in ‘wet lab’ space - small-scale                                                                                  Pitch Competition really got us serious and got
        manufacturing facilities that start-ups and scale-ups need                                                                                 us thinking about what we needed to succeed,”
        to prepare for clinical trials. It’s a need that McMaster                                                                                  says Sergio Aguirre, CEO of Epineuron.
        Innovation Park is hoping to meet, with expanding labs and                                                                                 In a field as specialized as life sciences,
        manufacturing facilities for start-ups and growing businesses.                                                                             it benefits everyone to have a tight-knit

        Hamilton’s institutions are primed for success, ready and                                                                                  community and to keep tabs on each other.
        excited to leverage their incredible resources to support                                                                                  Synapse acts as the connective tissue that
        new innovation in the city.                                                                                                                keeps Hamilton’s life sciences ecosystem
                                                                                                                                                   cohesive and open for collaboration,
                                                                                                                                                   to everyone’s benefit.

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