Page 6 - Synapse Brochure 2023
P. 6

CONNECT WITH CANADA'S LEADING HEALTH INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM                                                                                               SYNAPSE LIFE SCIENCE CONSORTIUM

        Innovation Starts                                                                                                       Hamilton’s research institutions are
                                                                                                                                placing a growing emphasis on bringing

        in Hamilton                                                                                                             new research to market, supporting a
                                                                                                                                booming startup ecosystem.

        A Place to Partner

        Partnership is central to Hamilton’s                                                                                                              The HEALTHI (Hamilton Ecosystem to
        life sciences sector. Rather than operating                                                                                                       Accelerate and Leverage Trials of Health
        in silos, anchor institutions collaborate                                                                                                         Innovation) program creates pre-clinical
        closely to empower connections between                                                                                                            trials connections between start-ups
        world-class research institutions and                                                                                                             and Hamilton’s two major hospital
        commercial industry.                                                                                                                              networks: Hamilton Health Sciences
                                                                                                                                                          (HHS) and The Research Institute of
        McMaster University and Mohawk College                                                                                                            St. Joe's Hamilton (RSJH), the research
        - academic powerhouses with a history of                                                                                                          arm of St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton.
        deeply integrated partnership - opened                                                                                                            To Sarah Howe, Executive Director of
        the Centre for Integrated and Advanced                                                                                                            the RSJH, these connections are worth
        Medical Imaging (CIAMI) in August 2023.                                                                                                           their weight in gold. “HEALTHI has a
        Featuring an advanced MRI unit - the                                                                                                              lasting impact on the future of St. Joe’s,”
        second such unit in Canada - CIAMI spurs                                                                                                          she says.
        teaching and research in Hamilton.
                                                                                                                                                          The SOPHIE (Southern Ontario
        Together with the Pan-Canadian                                                                                                                    Pharmaceutical and Health Innovation
        Accelerating Clinical Trials Consortium                                                                                                           Ecosystem) program connects
        (ACT) - which received $39 million in                                                                                                             innovative start-up and scaling
        2023 to build up and support Hamilton’s                                                                                                           businesses with grant funding to
        clinical trials network - CIAMI creates new                                                                                                       support a collaborative project with
        opportunities for Hamilton’s healthcare                                                                                                           McMaster, Mohawk, St. Joe’s or HHS.
        networks to build new partnerships with
        emerging research and entrepreneurs.                                                                                                              While these are concrete programs in
                                                                                                                                                          Hamilton, they are far from the only
        Outside of the academic setting, Synapse                                                                                                          way partnerships are forged in the city.
        has powered major programs designed to                                                                                                            Synapse exists to connect researchers,
        build partnerships between business and                                                                                                           entrepreneurs, business leaders, and
        Hamilton’s research institutions.                                                                                                                 our top institutions, meeting needs

                                                                                                                                                          and filling gaps wherever they may be.

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