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Biostatistics Unit @ St. Joseph’s Healthcare
Comprehensive, flexible and timely biostatistical support
The Biostatistics Unit provides comprehensive, flexible and timely statistical support tailored to the ongoing needs of researchers affiliated with the Research Institute of St. Joe’s Hamilton and at the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.
Members of the Biostatistics Unit can provide a variety of services ranging from the beginning to the end of a study’s duration. Taking advantage of a free consultation with the Biostatistics Unit at the inception of your research study can help to ensure that your design, methodology and data collection is optimized from the beginning.
Services provided include:
- Grant writing support
- Study planning & study design support
- Guidance with data collection methods
- Data entry support
- Data cleaning support
- Assistance with data analysis & interpretation
- Report writing & manuscript preparation
- General statistical support
The Unit is happy to assist both new and established researchers performing studies in any clinical area.
Fast Facts
Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 34905
Contact Email: [email protected]
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