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McMaster HealthLabs (MHL) is a non-profit organization focused on curbing the human, economic and social costs of COVID-19 through research initiatives and testing solutions. Our scientific research informs evidence-based decisions that keep Canadians safe and accelerate business recovery.
McMaster HealthLabs was created to respond to the urgent need of COVID-19. MHL is working with a team of scientists and doctors from McMaster University, the Research Institute of St. Joseph’s Hamilton and other Canadian universities and research organizations to generate the scientific data critical to developing innovative ways to keep Canadians safe and to support a strong economy.
Dr. Jack Gauldie, Vice President (Research) at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, and Dr. Marek Smieja, Microbiologist and Professor, Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University helped bring together some of the brightest minds to create MHL.
We work with scientists and doctors who are affiliated with McMaster University, The Research Institute of St. Joe’s Hamilton, and other Canadian Universities and research organizations.