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We help Canadian seniors live active, independent and worry-free lifestyles through our line of wearable alert devices.
Pulse Alert is a 100% Canadian veteran-owned retailer and manager of Medical Alert devices. Pulse Medical Inc. (Pulse Alert) is a company specializing in GPS and fall alert technology that provides sales and services for medical devices to help seniors remain safely and independently in their homes. Since its foundation, we have helped thousands of fellow residents improve their lives and feel protected by the community. At Pulse Alert, we understand that quality and reliability prioritize life-saving devices. We offer only the highest quality products that provide superior home monitoring. We pride ourselves on hiring the most professional, friendly, and qualified medical representatives to ensure your experience is accessible from the beginning. We understand your specific needs and have flexible rates to fit all budgets. In addition to providing top-level medical alert services, Pulse is heavily involved in the local veteran community. Through our product sales, we can directly employ Canadian Military veterans who may be struggling to integrate into the workforce. Pulse Alert works with health care professionals across Canada to draw attention to the alarming rates of senior falls in Canada and engage with the community to prevent injuries and fatalities. Statistics demonstrate that falls are the leading cause of injury among older Canadians, with 20-30% of seniors experiencing one or more falls each year. Pulse Alert is here to change these frightening figures and save our community from falls at home and on the go.
Fast Facts
Phone: 1-888-236-6756
Contact Email: [email protected]
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