Page 2 - Synapse Survey 2021
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Message from the                                           Synapse, a partnership of anchor institutions
                                                                   representing the majority of life science
        Synapse Consortium                                         employees (34,949) in the Hamilton region, is
                                                                   proud to lend its support to the community,
        Chair and Director                                         facilitating relationships and collaborations
                                                                   with the goal of catalyzing and accelerating
        Capturing the essence of Hamilton Ontario’s                the commercialization of innovative life
        life science cluster in a single document is no            science technology.
        small task. But we’re giving it a shot, with the           Taken together, Hamilton has everything
        Hamilton Life Science Cluster Report. This                 required to start and scale a successful life
        document is meant to showcase the width and                science company. Synapse is delighted
        breadth of activity happening across the region            this report can provide a better sense of
        in 2021.                                                   the vibrant ecosystem these successful
        Built on the foundation of 36,649 employees                organizations call home.
        working in 200+ organizations, together
        contributing $5.7 billion in economic activity to            Synapse helps to…
        the local economy, Hamilton is home to a strong
        and growing life science cluster. Entrepreneurs,             CoMMuniCatE
        innovators, scientists, researchers, care
        providers, and clinicians’ collective energy and             Share successes and promote the impact of the
        dynamism have made Hamilton one of Canada’s                  life science cluster in order to raise the visibility
        leading health innovation clusters.                          and reach of the consortium, both within the region
                                                                     and beyond
        The centre of Hamilton’s life science ecosystem
        are our companies, transforming innovative                   CoLLaboRatE
        research into novel products and technology
        to help improve patient outcomes. These                      Work with key partners and stakeholders to foster
        firms are surrounded by a network of anchor                  a more dynamic and cooperative ecosystem for life
        institutions, including world class hospitals,               science innovation and commercialization
        universities, colleges, and innovative research
        centres. A constellation of private- and public-             aCCELERatE
        sector organizations provide critical supports
        from incubation to training, from capital to                 Support efforts to attract and secure life science
        product design, and other professional services.             companies and investment in the region

                                    Alex Muggah, Director                                        David Carter, Chair

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