Page 4 - Synapse Survey 2021
P. 4
Executive Summary
Hamilton has a rich history This Hamilton Life Science on topics ranging from aging
of economic success, Cluster Report represents to radiopharmaceuticals, it
rooted in its early days as the first of its kind for the is evident why Hamilton is
a heavy manufacturing and Hamilton region. It seeks to known as Canada’s leading
transportation hub serving measure the collective scale life sciences research
Ontario and global markets – and scope of Hamilton’s and education cluster. It
giving rise to its moniker “Steel growing life science cluster. is Hamilton’s strength in
City”. The Report covers critical research that has provided
topics that together showcase the foundation for a
Hamilton has seen the Hamilton’s life science cluster: flourishing private sector;
emergence of a strong and As of 2021, 203 life science 43 new companies have
vibrant life sciences sector, organizations (both public- been established since 2016.
built on the foundation and private-sector) were Together, Hamilton’s life
of world-class academic identified as being part of science companies have raised
institutions, two leading Hamilton’s life science cluster. more than $620 million in the
hospital networks, advanced These organizations were last five years.
research institutes, as well surveyed, to provide insights Hamilton’s life science cluster
as supporting organizations across a variety of key has grown at a staggering
that together support private statistics. pace over the past decade,
sector firms developing the with more expected in the
Hamilton’s life science sector is
next generation of innovative foreseeable future.
one of the largest employers in
health technology. Hamilton’s
the city, with 36,649 employed Through the publication of
renowned infrastructure and at institutions who responded the Hamilton Life Science
expertise in the areas of health to our Cluster Report survey. Cluster Report, we hope to
research, clinical trials, and While many were employed report on this success on an
education, has created the in front-line care, 6,709 annual basis. Future reports
platform for our life science scientists spent $461.8 million will provide an update on
companies to grow their on general and applied the health of the cluster, but
businesses and reach global research. With 56 research also highlight trends and
markets. institutes and centres focused opportunities.