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Financial institution devoted to Canadian entrepreneurs.
BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada) is the financial institution devoted to Canadian entrepreneurs.
We help create and develop strong Canadian businesses through financing, advisory services and capital, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.
- We support entrepreneurs in all industries and at all stages of development from business centres across Canada.
- We’re committed to the long-term success of Canadian entrepreneurs and we understand that a business is more than just dollars and cents.
- We complement the role played by private-sector financial institutions and have been serving Canadian entrepreneurs since 1944.
- We are a financially sustainable Crown corporation and we operate at arm’s length from our sole shareholder, the Government of Canada.
Fast Facts
Web: https://www.bdc.ca
Phone: 888-463-6232
- Accelerators, Incubators & Financing
- Financial Services
- Government & Non-Profits
- Government Agencies & Department
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