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Bay Area Realty Limited
Owner, landlord, manager and liaison for Hamilton-based properties
Bay Area Realty Limited predominately manages properties, buildings and leases on behalf of Hamilton Health Sciences. Its role can be owner, landlord, manager and/or liaison. Bay Area Realty has resident expertise in the life sciences and healthcare market segments. Its focus is on maximizing net operating income by minimizing vacancy and utilizing our niche turnkey services. Areas of specialization include:
- Land acquisition
- Land development
- Property management
- Project management
- Lease & contract management
- Space planning
Bay Area Realty is committed to providing strong supervision of all properties under its care and strives to deliver value for its stakeholders. Other services that Bay Area Realty are engaged with include:
- Commercial on-site filming
- Short-term property rental
Fast Facts
Phone: 905-521-2248
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