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The Centre for Microbial Chemical Biology provides easy access to expertise and equipment necessary for chemical biology research. Expert staff are on hand to maintain the equipment and offer training and assistance for all users. Alternatively, CMCB staff members are available to assist with designing and completing individual experiments and projects for researchers.
Services offered, include:
The CMCB features six core labs that enable chemical biology research to be conducted in one central location. We provide the capabilities necessary for cell culture, assay development, high throughput screening, small molecule synthesis, natural product isolations, molecule identification for drug discovery and basic research applications. The six labs include:
- High-Throughput Screening Lab:
Offers a diverse collection of chemical compound libraries available for use in cell-based and biochemical screens on our integrated robotic systems. One of the systems is enclosed in a biosafety enclosure, enabling biosafety level 2 screening. The CMCB HTS lab has over a decade of experience in screening, and our instrumentation allows us to screen a diverse range of targets accurately and at a fast pace. We offer training on the equipment to allow academic users the opportunity to become experienced users. Screening campaigns are offered to both academic and industrial clients.
- Chemical / Synthesis Lab:
Full-service open access chemistry lab that offers synthesis tools to satisfy your synthetic organic chemistry needs. We provide the tools necessary for organic chemistry related projects, including natural product isolation, medicinal chemistry, and drug discovery projects. We train users on all of our equipment, and we also offer industry collaborations.
- Protein Lab:
Core area for cell growth, protein purification, assay development, and enzyme kinetics. Protein lab staff are experienced in the design, development and analysis of a wide range of applications. Our protein lab also features a Biosafety Level 2 area for growth and manipulation of Level 2 organisms. Training is provided on all equipment, allowing trainees the opportunity to become expert users in a wide variety of equipment. Staff are available for consultation around experimental design, and can be hired for custom projects serving both internal and external clients.
- NMR Lab:
Equipped with a Bruker AVIII 700 MHz NMR that is outfitted with an automated sample changer (SampleJet) and Cryoprobe for high-resolution experiments on proton, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous nuclei with a very high degree of sensitivity. It is available for both academic and industrial clients.
- Mass Spectrometry:
Lab Specializing in the identification and quantification of small molecules, the lab delivers high mass accuracy data. We provide analyses on a range of samples, including small molecules in complex and pure samples, metabolomics, proteomics sample preparation, and instrument training and use. We have experienced staff available for consultation, assistance with experimental set-up, and troubleshooting. Training is available on the Bruker microTOF, and for high resolution experiments we have a Thermo LTQ XL Orbitrap that is operated by our expert technician. Instruments are available for academic and industrial clients
- IT/Bioinformatics Lab:
Provides common Information Management/Information Technology services to facilitate universal access to information throughout networks and offers support on web technologies, Database design and Managements, data collection, data retrieval, data analysis software and the processing platforms using the most up-to-date methods
Equipment available:
Protein lab
- Air Clean Cabinet
- AKTA Explorer
- AKTA Purifiers
- Bio-Rad Proteon SPR System
- BioFlo 115 Benchtop Fermenter/Bioreactor
- Biological Safety Cabinets
- Constant Systems Cell Disruptors
- Envision Multilabel Plate Reader with Stacker
- Bio-Rad Experion Automated Electrophoresis Station
- Incubators
- Microson Ultrasonic Liquid Processor (Sonicator)
- Sorvall Superspeed Centrifuge
- Sorvall Ultracentrifuge
- Spectramax PLUS384 Plate Reader
- Synergy Plate Reader
- Tecan Sunrise
- Tecan Ultra Evolution Plate Reader
- Novaray Detection Platform
- Typhoon Imaging System
High throughput screening lab
- Envision Multilabel Plate Reader with Stacker
- System 1: Biomek FXP Automated Liquid Handler
- System 2: Biomek FXP Integrated Liquid Handler
- System 3: Biomek FXP Integrated Liquid Handler for Biosafety Level 2
Bioanalytical lab
- LECO 2D GAS Chromatography with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (GCXGC-TOFMS)
- MicroTOF II
Synthesis lab
- Dionex 350 Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
- Flash Chromatography Systems
- Genevac
- Lyophilizer/Freeze Dryers
- Preparative LC/MS
- Rotary Evaporators
- Contract Manufacturing / Research Organization (CMO/CRO)
- Contract, Professional and Other Services
- Research Centres and Institutes
- Research Institutes & Academic Institutions
- Testing & Medical Laboratories