Page 28 - Synapse Survey 2021
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Appendix C                     Directory of Hamilton Life Science Organizations

                                                                Ballagh and Edward offers a full range of intellectual   FYELABS delivers innovation as a service. they help
                                                                                            clients transform an idea into a selling product, very
        Fusion Pharmaceuticals is a clinical stage company   Synthetic Virus Technologies Inc. was founded to   property services from filing patent and trademark   fast, and at a fraction of the cost.
        focused on developing novel targeted alpha   make effective dna delivery a reality. their unique
        therapeutics for the treatment of chemotherapy   technology is based on self-assembling dna   applications to preparing agreements and resolving
        resistant cancers.          nanotechnology that brings together previously   incompatible advances in non-viral smart drug
                                                                                            the Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory
                                                                Bay Area Health Care Solutions – supporting   at mcmaster provides high-quality, affordable,
                                                                                            cutting-edge genomics services. our labs are
        Hemostasis Reference Laboratory is a Canadian           development and distribution of novel health-care   equipped with the latest technology to perform a
        laboratory with over 25 years of experience in   ToeFX’s vision is to create the world’s most effective   initiatives  range of experiments, including next generation
        providing quality coagulation testing services to   foot care treatments. their Cleartoe therapy light is   sequencing, microarray analysis, and bioinformatics.
        customers internationally. they specialize in esoteric   the only photodisinfection technology approved by
        coagulation testing and custom assays with specific   health Canada for the treatment of toenail fungus. it
        reagent/instrument combinations.   is painless, totally safe and clinically proven to clear   Bay Area Realty Limited – owner, landlord, manager                           and liaison for hamilton-based properties
                                    up yellow, crumbling nails.
                                                            Greening Media – greening helps clients reach their
                                                                                            audience in innovative and meaningful ways through
        McMaster HealthLabs – Curbing the cost of CoVid-19                                  new community partnerships, custom content
        through research initiatives and testing solutions      Bay Area Records – turn paper records into digital   creation, and campaign-driven marketing and media
                                                                images for safe, secure accessible archiving.
                                    Triumvira Immunologic is an immunotherapy               strategies.
                                    company with the vision of developing novel t cell

        NanoPhyll – nanophyll develops innovative nano-  therapies that are safer and more efficacious than
        composite coatings for applications in the buildings,   current cancer treatments, including chimeric antigen   BDO Canada has spent more than 95 years providing
                                    receptor and engineered t cell receptor therapies.
        construction, medical, transportation and industrial    assurance, accounting, tax, and advisory services to a   as an international, sector-focused law firm with
        processing industries.                                  more than 1,400 legal professionals around the world,
                                                                broad range of clients across the country.
                                                        Gowling WLG is here to help you overcome your
                                                                                            complex business challenges. their Canadian team
                                    Turnstone Biologics – turnstone Biologics is focused    is made up of more than 700 legal professionals in
                                    on driving innate and adaptive tumor immunity           seven cities across the country.
        Niagara Pharmaceuticals manufacturers and   through the development of two independent, yet   Brownlow Partners provides professional accounting
        distributes eyewash safety supplies,including the   complementary platforms, built on a foundation of   and business advisory services to businesses and   hamilton/
        eyewash pur-wash solution and the eyewash station   validated clinical success.  individuals across hamilton, halton and niagara. their
        additive solution                                       chartered accountants bring unparalleled knowledge
                                                                and experience that can help your business achieve
                                                                and exceed its financial goals.   Hamilton Regional Laboratory Medicine Program
                                                                                            (HRLMP) – hamilton regional laboratory medicine
        NuGeneris Specialty Pharmaceuticals is a privately
        held subsidiary of the Centre for probe development   12 Squared Diagnostics has developed a novel test kit   program  is one of the largest integrated laboratory
        and Commercialization that specializes in late-phase   to measure thrombin generation at the point-of-care.   service programs in Canada. providing laboratory
        clinical and commercial manufacturing of therapeutic   this is an overall blood clotting test in which previous      support and clinical testing for clinical trials and
        radiopharmaceuticals for international distribution.   methods required testing to be done in a specialized   Core Print Patterns – Coreprint patterns helps   research studies in the hamilton area.  laboratory.     companies move from concept to creation -
        radiopharmaceutical-manufacturing/  developing custom mold castings, match plates
                                                                castings, investment castings and injection molded
                                     Contract, Professional     plastics, as well as machining with a focus on   HT Consulting has been offering complete solutions
                                     and Other Services         castings.                   for Blind and Visually impaired computer users for
                                                                                            over 15 years. they provide assistive technology for
        OrganoBiotech pioneers platform technologies that       DNA Digital – product development evaluation and   people with visual impairments as well as those with
        allow users to model complex biology with ease and      translational medicine support for taking projects   educational and developmental disabilities.
        without compromising experimental throughputs.          from drug manufacture through proof of concept and
        they develop and sell a tissue culture platform used      safety studies.
        to grow stem cell-derived organoids with blood   Activision Laboratories Group provides analysis
        vessel networks to make more predictive pre-clinical   in the geochemical and geo-metallurgical
        models for drug discovery.  market, material testing, agriculture, forensics,
                                    environmental, and life sciences.                       INO is the largest centre of expertise in optics
                                                                Flyte Studios is a software development company   and photonics in Canada and is among the best
                                                                with a skill set in creating focused educational tools.   technological research centres in the world. through
        Synmedix is a newly-founded biotechnology               their software, understudyedu, is being created   multiple light applications, from laser and fibre optics
        company created to commercialize a novel platform       to build a community which will allow people to   technologies to imaging systems, ino controls light
        that dramatically enhances the effectiveness of   Altus Assessments – altus assessments deliver   discover, create, and share educational content to   to capture, identify, predict, decide or transform the
        antibiotics to address unmet medical need posed by   a robust academic admissions screening test for   foster engagement and learning.   real world.
        the global health crisis in antibiotic resistance.  people skills.

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