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Directory of Hamilton Life Science Organizations                                         Appendix C

        the Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment
        and Materials will assist research and development
        needs for Canadian companies, both existing and   the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health      the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging was
        new, so that they can meet today’s needs for Canada   is a world class respiratory program providing   the Health Information Research Unit is dedicated   created to stimulate and facilitate interdisciplinary
        but also develop the next generation of personnel       to the generation of new knowledge in the nature   research in aging, as well as to develop innovative
        protective equipment to become global leaders in   comprehensive patient care, research and education.   of health and clinical information problems, the   educational programs for students within the
        the future.                 the program is comprised of an outpatient service,   development of new resources to support evidence-  academic and clinical realms.  an inpatient unit managing severe or chronic   based health care, and the evaluation of various
        protective-equipment-and-materials-cepem  respiratory diseases and the regional thoracic (chest)   innovations in overcoming health care information
                                    surgery program.            problems.
                                                                                            McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute – mmri
        CLARITY represents the formal alliance of a group of                                is one of Canada’s most advanced and best equipped
        researchers who have enjoyed a long-standing and                                    research laboratories, combines research excellence
        fruitful collaboration. through formal collaboration,      the Health Leadership Academy strives to have   with state-of-the-art equipment to meet the
        Clarity’s clinical advances through research and   the Geriatric Education and Research in Aging   a transformative impact on global healthcare by   sophisticated research and development needs of
        information translation has been pivotal in creating a   Sciences Centre is at the forefront of several   nurturing a community of future leaders. they   leading manufacturers.
        renewed sense of spirit, vision and commitment.   innovative research initiatives focused on maximizing   proudly support collaboration and showcase new                          projects and pedagogy in health innovation within
                                    the resilience of vulnerable older adults. their   the mcmaster community and surrounding area.
                                    mission is to make life better for older adults by  McMaster Nuclear Reactor – the first univesrity-
                                    bringing the best research to the frontlines of care as   based research reactor in the British Commonwealth,
                                    quickly as possible.                                    serving a core group of researchers exploring the
        the Clinical Research Laboratory and Biobank was      smallest structures of matter, developing new probes
        established in 1987 to provide scientific, analytical,   IDEAWORKS – ideaworKs is mohawk College’s   for medical diagnostics and studying radiation safety.
        and Biobank support for large multinational clinical    applied research and innovation department.
        trials and epidemiologic studies.                       ideaworKs fills the space between research and                                 solutions by delivering customized support to
                                                                organizations.              The Medical Imaging Informatics Research Centre
                                    the Gilbrea Centre is an interdisciplinary research hub   at mcmaster is a cross-over program between the
                                    that is dedicated to address issues of aging through    Faculty of health sciences and engineering that
                                    collaborative and policy relevant research.
        researchers at the David Braley Centre for Antibiotic  LIVELab – the liVe (large interactive Virtual   brings together radiologists and engineers in order
                                                                                            to bridge the gap between clinical studies and
        Discovery are equipped to lead in international         environment) lab is a unique 106-seat research   computer sciences and to solve specific issues in
        efforts against antimicrobial resistance through        performance hall designed to investigate   medical imaging.
        building on mcmaster university’s strengths,            the experience of music, dance, multimedia
        resources, and partnerships.                            presentations, and human interaction.
                                    Health Information Technology Services is
                                    an information technology consulting and                Medical Technologies Innovation Centre – mtiC
                                    hosting service provided by the information &   McMaster Child Health Research Institute –   provides an interactive collaborative space for
                                                                researchers at the mcmaster Child health research   research and innovation.
        Escarpment Cancer Research Institute brings   Communication technologies team at hamilton   institute are looking beyond medical treatments
        together well-established and successful cancer   health sciences who serves healthcare organizations   of individual conditions to explore the deeper
        research groups, as well as emerging groups, from   in the hamilton region.   connections between childhood illness and long-term
        mcmaster university, hamilton health sciences, and  health.
        the Juravinski Cancer Centre.                                                       the mHealth and eHealth Development and                                                           Innovation Centre at mohawk College conducts
                                                                                            digital health applied research, provides advanced
                                                                McMaster Digital Transformation Research Centre   skill development services, and leads the design,
                                    The Hamilton Centre for Kidney Research brings   – mdtrC engages in cutting-edge multidisciplinary   development and testing of electronic medical
                                    clinical and biomedical researchers together in   research to understand how digital technology   records systems, patient health records systems,
        the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research   one place where the focus is to improve the lives   is impacting individuals at the physical  and   clinical assessment tools, and patient-facing mobile
        Institute is an integrated group of clinical and basic   neurological level, as well as transforming   and web application development and device
        scientists dedicated to understanding the impact   of patients with chronic kidney disease through   organizations and society at large.  integration.
        of digestive health and nutrition on disease across   leading-edge research.
        the life span.                          ehealth-development-and-innovation-centre-medic
                                                                McMaster Immunology Research Centre – exploring
                                                                fundamental and translational research in
                                                                immunology to forge new treatments

                                                                                            the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious
        the Farncombe Family Gnotobiotic Facility, located   the Hamilton Medical Research Group delivers   Disease Research at mcmaster university is a world-
                                    a unique partnership in drug development and
        in mcmaster university, is Canada’s only gnotobiotic,                               leading centre of transdisciplinary infectious disease
        or germ free, research facility for gastrointestinal   commercialization through working with their      research. since its inception, the iidr has brought
        disease and other research including immunology   partners in development and introduction of safe and   McMaster Industry Liaison Office – supports research   together a successful team of over 30 principal
        and microbiology.           effective medicines that improve lives of Canadians.   and commercialization endeavors of mcmaster   investigators and 2000 trainees.  university

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