Page 24 - Synapse Survey 2021
P. 24

Appendix B                                 Synapse Consortium and Partner Organizations

                                                   bay aREa HEaLtH tRuSt

                                                   At the intersection of health, life sciences and business, Bay Area Health
                                                   Trust is an example of a successful partnership between hospitals and
                                                   the for-profit private sector. Bay Area Health Trust is a Hamilton, Ontario
                                                   based company that operates life science businesses and invests in
                                                   growth-oriented opportunities.
                                                   •  Stood up seven business entities providing critical services to customers
                                                    in Hamilton and across Canada, including clinical trial logistics (Bay Area
                                                    Research Logistics), document management (Bay Area Records) and
                                                    real estate (Bay Area Real Estate).

                                                   •   Helping to commercialize a novel molecular transport medium for safe
                                                    and effective COVID-19 sample testing that has been utilized across


                                                   City of HaMiLton EConoMiC


                                                   Life sciences industries in Hamilton are a significant part of the research
                                                   and innovation landscape, supporting improved healthcare products and
                                                   services as well as bioengineering and cellular research.

                                                   •  Named one of Canada’s top ten places to invest
                                                   •  Ranked second in Canada for youth to work by RBC’s Youthful Cities
                                                    Work Index Study
                                                   •  Ranked as the second overall North American Mid-Sized city of the
                                                    Future by fDi Intelligence

                                                   HaMiLton CHaMbER of CoMMERCE

                                                   For 175 years, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has been facilitating
                                                   connections and collective action to strengthen the economic engine of
                                                   the City of Hamilton. The Chamber has harnessed the collective ambition
                                                   of their thousands of members to play a leading role in Hamilton’s
                                                   commercial success. They are an ambitious organization that strives to
                                                   meet the various needs of their small business members.
                                                   •  Collectively support 1,144 members in the Hamilton community

                                                   • Hosted 116 chamber events and meetings in 2020
                                                   •   Held 54 Chamber TV and Virtual Forums for the Hamilton business
                                                    community during COVID-19

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