Page 34 - Synapse Survey 2021
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Appendix C                     Directory of Hamilton Life Science Organizations

                                                                Sensor Systems and Internet of Things Lab –
                                    the Offord Centre for Child Studies, through   mohawk’s sensor systems and internet of things lab   The Research Institute of St. Joe’s Hamilton –
                                                                                            Coordinating research activities across at st. Joesph’s
        the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research   collaboration across fields such as child psychiatry,   helps Canadian companies become more effective in   healthcare, hamilton
        and Care encompasses an array of technologies,   psychology, epidemiology, paediatrics, policy   their adoption of iot for industrial use.
        disciplines, and specialties to explore the causes   development, social work, and nursing, aims to
        of a number of different types of pain, develope   better understand children’s mental health problems
        new strategies for its prevention, diagnosis and   with the overall goal of improving the lives of
        management, and innovative care for patients.   children and youth.                 Thrombosis & Atherosclerosis Research Institute  Sheardown Lab – the sherdown lab is working on   – taari is focused on researching diagnostics and
                                                                the next-generation of contact lenses capable of   treatment of thrombosis and vascular disease
                                                                delivering drug effectively to the front of the eye to
        Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre –              treat anterior ocular conditions.
        developing clinical practice guidelines for the
        treatment of chronic pain
                                    Redeemer University is a private Christian liberal arts
                                    and science university located in hamilton. redeemer
                                    stands in the reformed tradition and offers Bachelor   The Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological
        Ontario Tumour Bank – ontario’s leading   of arts, Bachelor of education, and Bachelor of   Threats – the global nexus for pandemics and
        biorepository of tumour and blood samples  science degrees.   Biological threats leverages our collective strength
                              and international networks, building an environment
                                                                for the world’s top experts across disciplines and   Synapse is a

        the Population Health Research Institute (phri)   the Robert E. Fitzhenry Vector Laboratory is   sectors to work together.  collaborative hub
        is Canada’s premiere global health research                                           driving global health
        institute and a world leader in large clinical trials   committed to supporting translational medicine by   innovation.
        and population studies. through international   providing virus-vector manufacturing services to
        collaboration and innovation, phri explores CVd,   researchers who want to move forward to clinical      Connect today:
        diabetes, kidney and lung diseases, brain health,   trial testing of their product.   The Mayer Institute – the mayer institute delivers
        cancer and more.    world-class, evidence based diabetic foot wound care        laboratory                  and education.

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