Page 35 - Synapse Survey 2021
P. 35

         Appendix D


        WHat aRE CLuStERS?                                      CLuStERS aRE iMpoRtant

        Clusters are a collection of interconnected and supporting   A cluster allows each member to benefit as if
        organizations that operate within a bounded geographic   it had greater scale or as if it had joined with
        region. Clusters encompass an array of linked industries   others without sacrificing its flexibility . Clusters
        and other entities that are important to competition.
        Basic cluster composition includes private organizations   provide increased productivity through better
        that generate economic value, as well as supporting     access to employees and suppliers, access to
        institutions such as universities, care centres, industry   specialized information, access to institutions
        groups, accelerators, trade associations, and research   and public goods, and better motivation and
        institutes. Clusters serve as engines of growth for     measurement. Clusters also drive the direction of
        cities and regions in order to accelerate innovation,   pace and innovation resulting in the formation of
        build knowledge creation, unlock opportunities for      new businesses.
        collaboration, and enhance competition.
                                                                “it iS a WELL-EStabLiSHED faCt
        Life science clusters specifically, have a focus on
        excellence in research and the translation and delivery of   tHat oRganizationS aCtivE in
        innovation. Businesses, academics, and hospitals play a   REgionS WitH StRong CLuStERS
        key role in a successful life science cluster.          pERfoRM bEttER.”

                    Supporting Institutions

                                                Research Centre, Group or Institute

                                                                          Private Sector

                          Incubators /          Pharmaceutical       Medical
                                                and Drug
                          Accelerators          Products             & Equipment                Professional

                          Government /              Digital           Research,                 Specialized
                                                                      Testing &
                          Public Service            Health            Medical Labs         $    Capital

                       Post-Secondary Institutions and Specialized Hospitals / Care Providers  Industry Groups / Commercial Spaces

        1. Michael E. Porter. Cluster and the New Economics of Competition (November 1998).
        2. Örjan Sölvell, Göran Lindqvist, Christian Ketels. The Cluster Initiative Greenbook (May 2014).

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