
Synapse Life Science Consortium welcomes Launchit Ventures as its newest partner

HAMILTON, ON, May 28, 2024 – The Synapse Life Science Consortium, Hamilton’s formal regional life science cluster organization proudly announces Launchit Ventures, a life science venture studio to its group of partners. The collaboration with Launchit Ventures underscores a shared commitment among the Consortium and its partners to foster an ecosystem that benefits individual organizational interests and propels the life sciences ecosystem forward within the greater Hamilton region and across Ontario.

Launchit Ventures brings a wealth of support and resources to the Consortium ranging from investor insights to direct management experience in establishing companies. Jamie Harsevoort, CEO of Launchit Ventures and founder of Webility Solutions, alongside the other impressive resumes of the leadership team, collectively provides an exceptional level of expertise and backgrounds in digital health innovation, healthcare research, and biotech entrepreneurship that will be instrumental to supporting the life science ecosystem.

Alex Muggah, Director of the Synapse Consortium, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, “We are thrilled about adding the expertise and experience of the Launchit team to the Synapse Consortium. Their commitment to the Hamilton ecosystem and to supporting companies across the region is poised to make a significant impact, enhancing our collective ability to drive innovation, commercialization and investment in Southern Ontario.”

“Joining the Synapse Consortium’s esteemed network underscores our dedication to enhancing the commercial viability and success of health technologies in Southern Ontario. We are excited to contribute and look forward to driving transformative growth within the ecosystem,” said Harsevoort.

Already known for facilitating over 2,500 strategic connections and warm introductions, the Synapse Consortium has successfully linked start-ups with essential infrastructure, partners, opportunities and investors to help scale their operations. These introductions have enabled companies to develop cutting-edge technologies with industry partners, conduct clinical trials with renowned hospitals, and access specialized resources, such as laboratories and engineering expertise at post-secondary institutions – crucial for the commercialization of their innovations. 

The Synapse Life Science Consortium, along with Launchit Ventures and its eight other partners, is committed to playing a pivotal role in cultivating the next wave of success stories in the life sciences sector. 



The Synapse Life Science Consortium serves as the formal regional cluster organization for the life sciences ecosystem in the greater Hamilton area. It acts as a strategic broker within the community, aimed at supporting the commercialization of innovative health technology. Founded by Innovation Factory alongside partners that include major life science organizations in Hamilton, the Consortium represents 36,000 employees and nearly $470 million in annual research, playing a pivotal role in the regional economic landscape since its inception in 2016.



Launchit Ventures is a HealthTech venture studio that offers a new model for entrepreneurship, combining company building with venture funding, to develop new businesses faster and with less risk. Launchit Ventures partners with researchers, entrepreneurs, industry veterans, and others who have great ideas but need support and expertise to commercialize them. The Launchit Ventures team and its partners bridge the gap between a founder with an idea and the actual reality of getting a HealthTech start-up product or service into the market.



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