Synapse News

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Qidni Labs: Building filters for artificial kidneys and the ISS

  Morteza Ahmadi and his startup company Qidni Labs have received an amazing new grant from the CSA. “We wanted to build an artificial kidney,” Morteza Ahmadi explained when describing how he got the idea for his company’s nano-filters. “We looked at three properties needed for a filtration system that would work when implanted…

July 19, 2015 | news

Virtual Possibilities featured on Spectrum Radio

  In this week’s episode of Spectrum Radio the feature interview was with Mitch Wilson. He is one of the co-founders of medical technology startup Virtual Possibilities. Mitch and his co-workers have developed a product that will improve the safety and efficiency of laparoscopic surgery. This company is very interesting and Mitch…

July 17, 2015 | news

New York Medical College adopts CASPer for online admissions process

New York Medical College (NYMC) adopts new online assessment tool, CASPer, for the pre-interview screening phase of the admissions process.

July 14, 2015 | news

New test developed at McMaster promises earlier diagnosis of infectious disease

ANDZYME, one of the 2015 Synapse finalists, was recently featured on CBC Hamilton for their device which enables earlier diagnosis of infectious disease.

July 14, 2015 | news

Dr. Mehran Anvari Receives NASA ISS R&D Innovation Award

Dr. Mehran Anvari was presented with an award for innovation in Biology and Medicine for his work with Image-Guided Automated Robot..

July 9, 2015 | news

Brain injury inspires invention of memory aiding app

  On an average day, how many small tasks must you remember to complete? Taking your medication, watering the plants, taking out the garbage, or picking your child up from an after-school activity? Now imagine you had a brain injury, or Alzheimer’s, dementia or ADHD, which left you unable to remember these simple tasks. After […]

July 7, 2015 | news

Company using music to treat tinnitus expands out of province

iF client Sound Options was recently featured in The Hamilton Spectator, highlighting their expansion into Manitoba and Alberta this summer. Read the full Hamilton Spectator piece on Sound Options here!

July 2, 2015 | news

QReserve featured on Spectrum Radio

  In this week’s episode of Spectrum Radio the feature interview was with Brandon Aubie, the founder and CEO of our client Q-Reserve, which is working out of The Forge. They talk about his company (which is creating a public database for researchers and science equipment), moving from academia to entrepreneurship (he has a PhD), […]

June 25, 2015 | news

Autism and Wandering: How ABA can Help Keep Kids Safe

  In October 2013, a 14-year-old boy by the name of Avonte Oquendo wandered away from his class and out of his school. The security cameras outside of his school captured him darting across the street until he was no longer visible. This is the last footage ever seen of him alive. After he had […]

June 12, 2015 | news