Page 15 - Synapse Survey 2021
P. 15

Voice of the Cluster

         Cluster’s Voice: Qualitative Feedback on Organizations & Personnel      To conclude the survey, all

           2.5                                   1)  availability of high-quality entry-  organizations were asked a
                                                   level employees
                                                                                 set of qualitative questions
           2.6                                   2)  availability of high-quality of
                                                   scientists/researchers        to gage and quantify
           2.1                                   3)  availability of high-quality   Hamilton’s performance
           2.4                                     managerial and leadership talent  as a life science cluster.
                                                 4)  relative cost of talent compared to
           1.9                                     other geographic regions      Respondents were asked
                                                 5)  ability to transform ip into
                                                   commercially viable products  to rank 18 characteristics
         1.00             2.00            3.00
         Weakness        Neutral        Strength                                 of Hamilton’s life science
                                                                                 cluster as either a strength,
         Cluster’s Voice: Qualitative Feedback on Innovation and Research        weakness, or neither. Their
                                                                                 responses form the basis
           2.8                                   1)   performance in basic research   of the ‘Cluster’s Voice’
                                                   projects and activities
           2.5                                   2)   performance in translational   sections found here.  These
                                                   research projects and activities
           2.6                                   3)   delivery of high-quality trans-  characteristics spanned four
           2.6                                     disciplinary clinical trials  main categories: Resources
                                                 4)   hamilton’s culture of collaboration  & Infrastructure, Innovation &
           2.5                                   5)   hamilton’s culture of innovation
                                                                                 Commercialization, Research
         1.00             2.00            3.00                                   Capacity, Talent.
         Weakness        Neutral        Strength

         Cluster’s Voice: Qualitative Feedback on Investment and Funding

           2.4                                   1)   availability and accessibility of
                                                   public funding
           1.7                                   2)   availability and accessibility of
                                                   private funding
         1.00             2.00            3.00
         Weakness        Neutral        Strength

         Cluster’s Voice: Qualitative Feedback on Infrastructure & Facilities

           2.5                                   1)   presence of required expertise,
                                                   knowledge, and partnerships to
           2.4                                     drive innovation
                                                 2)    Capacity to innovate digital health
           2.3                                     products and technologies
           2.3                                   3)    Capacity to innovate medical device
                                                   products and technologies
           2.5                                   4)    Capacity to innovate in pharma/
                                                   biotech products and technologies
                                                 5)   availability of facilities, lab space,
         1.00             2.00            3.00
         Weakness        Neutral        Strength   and office space

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